In the early 1980s, a local folk community held an event that aimed to exhibit folk song and dance traditions from various countries. It was 1984 when the first Lublin Folklore Days were inaugurated featuring local and foreign folk performers. The keen interest of the audience and very positive feedback from the participating artists encouraged the organisers to continue the project. Since 1994, the festival has been managed by the Lublin Song and Dance Ensemble which is responsible for the programming and technical support. The event is held under the auspices of CIOFF® – the International Council of Organisations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts – and is ranked among the most important projects of this type in our country. The programme is alternated each year with a view to presenting either adult or children performances. The festival celebrations also take place outdoors and branch into Nałęczów, Włodawa, and Biała Podlaska. Some concerts are also held in the Lublin Old Town. Special performances, often by very exotic groups, are also staged for the child audience in the University Children’s Hospital in Lublin. The agenda of the event is also filled with dance and music workshop sessions where young artists learn Polish music, folk and national dances and show off their skills in the final gala concert.



Wanda Kaniorowa Lublin Song and Dance Ensemble

3 Żołnierzy Niepodległej Street

20-078 Lublin